Team / Bill Caiozzo

Bill Caiozzo
- Property Manager
- Direct: (248) 359 3802
- Mobile: (248) 497 9910
Bill has been a property management professional for 27 years. He currently is the manager of a diverse property portfolio of over 550,000 square feet of medical and warehouse space. Bill has extensive knowledge in all areas of property management, including construction, engineering, and maintenance, along with administrative and accounting expertise. He was a chief engineer for a seven-building, 500,000 square foot campus for four years. Bill served as a facility manager for a large real estate REIT, responsible for 70 buildings in southeastern Michigan.
Affiliations & Education
- Associate Degree in Environmental System Technology and Facility Management, Oakland Community College
- Member, Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM)
- Candidate, Certified Property Management (CPM)
- Universal Refrigeration Certification
- Confined Space Certification
- Birmingham Medical
- Firm Real Estate
- Office Enterprise LLC
- RIC Ventures
- UnaSource Comprehensive Medical Campus
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